And another example of logics of faithful people which is more funny than serious. However it gives a lot of thoughts about how people manage to live in parallel reality.
Orthodox Christian Ksenia Ovchinnikova wants to sue McDonald's for 1,000 rubles for advertising a cheeseburger and chicken McNuggets insulting her religious feelings and forcing her to break her fast.
"The court received a claim from Ksenia Ovchinnikova. Currently, the date of the preliminary hearing (conversation) on this claim has not yet been set," the court said.

As stated in the text of the statement of claim, Ovchinnikova was outraged by the situation that occurred in April 2019 in Omsk. The girl saw an advertisement for a cheeseburger and chicken McNuggets. Despite the fact that at that time there was the Great Lent, which the girl has observed for 16 years in a row, she bought herself McDonald's products that contain meat.
“By this point, the Great Fast had been going on for about a month, when I saw an advertising banner, I could not help myself, I visited McDonald's and bought a cheeseburger. "
It is good that Ksenia first saw an ad of McDonalds. Imagine, what would happen if she would occasionally see some porn site after 16 years of fasting?! (During Orthodox fast you should abstain not only from animal food but also from all sexual activities and even thoughts).