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On spiritual practices IV - Eastern way

Here I am going to share my thoughts about the Eastern practices. There is a huge variety of traditions, religions and directions originating from East and Asia. I mainly base my review on my experience from Buddhism, Taoism and a bit of Hinduism. I am not analyzing the dogmas, theological aspects and rites of these traditions. And I am not going to analyze a cocktail of terms, words, meanings, interpretations like aura, chakra, channel, bioenergy, cosmic universal conscience, and many more (there is something for every taste). This is beyond my scope. Make your own research on your topic of interest. There is a lot of literature available, however lots is adapted to the western reader, reduced, sugar-free, fat-free and very often vegan.

To the contrary of western thought, which went way of obedience and service to dominating and just, omniscient, and omnipotent God, the oriental thoughts starting point is analysis of the reality and analysis of human nature. Of course, in some traditions there is a kind of communication with deity, or gods and spirits, but here I am most interested how these traditions focus on self-analysis, human nature and try to propose ways for liberation from never-ending suffering, both physical and psychological, or, as we would say now, from everyday life of an ordinary person. The idea of these traditions is not to serve and obey a god and obtain mercy and maybe some gift of luck or happiness, or relief from suffering. The idea is that the human is responsible self for his life, and only through self-awareness, investigation of his own nature and finding roots to the suffering, you can achieve harmony, and enlightenment, balance and understanding.

But you have to be aware that you are capable of achieving harmony and liberation. You have everything already. You are that. Ta Tvam Asi.

I would distinguish two main ways: contemplative practice and active doing (however, it is very primitive distinction, used only for purpose of simple explanation here). In the contemplative practice, you try to come to the root, origins of you and the life. The idea is to follow the nature, the world, the universe, join the natural rhythm of the life and finally merge with it. Your goal is to become natural, simple, spontaneous, base your action on inner Self. But the challenge here is to find the real Self. As I wrote in my previous post, during your life, your real Self is hidden under thick layer of emotions, your own interpretation of reality, social pressure, and general unawareness. During many years of your life you have learned (through your parents, school, job, contact with other people, self-reflection) so many things about yourself and the reality that it is dominating your current perception of the world. In order to become natural, come closer to your real Self, you have to unlearn something every day. Unlearn actively everything that prevents you from direct, active contact with the real Self and with the real world. It is easy to say than to do😊

Imagine, you came to the cinema, a little bit late, so that the movie already has started. And you try to explain your kid who never heard about the cinema before, that the picture is actually projected to the white screen. And what you actually see is a white screen with external projection on it. I bet it will be very difficult for kid to realize the principle, to understand your explanation. But everything becomes obvious when you switch off the projector and actually see this white screen and understand that the movie, the action, was just a projection.

So in real life. Entire world projects pictures on your white screen. And this process is never-ending, and many people even are not aware of it. However, if you find this white screen inside of you, connect with it, you will get completely different picture of the world and of yourself.

The contemplative practices, you try to achieve the sense of detachment from this never-ending movie, by different methods, like meditation, contemplation, relaxation, observing your minds. The best way to clean muddy water is to let it be. By letting go, releasing your restless mind, detaching from your mind and body, you, after many years of practice, will be able to find your real Self and connect with it and live your life in harmony with the environment and real Self. However, it is a long and demanding process, and there is no any shortcut. No miracle man, no saint,no guru, can do it for you. You have to do it yourself.

In the active doing practices, you seek the liberation, harmony, connection with your Self through your actions and self-reflection. Using set of (ethical) norms, virtues you want to achieve or develop, you live your life using these guidelines. By trying and failing, you are supposed to learn about your own nature, your character and you realize the mechanism behind your personality. This will lead you to awareness and finally to liberation and finally to blissful state. Going this way, you will also learn to assess consequences of your actions and understanding of your place in the world.

Both ways presuppose that you know what you are doing and why you are doing this. What is your final goal? If you are doing it blind, not understanding the purpose and meaning, not having clear intention in your head, chances are small that you will achieve your desired result.

At the present moment, there is a huge variety of traditions, societies, methods, cults, trainings based on Eastern practices. You can meet everything, from obvious misunderstanding, malpractice, blind copying, to genuine seeking, trying and failing. If you are going to engage in some eastern spiritual activities, join a society, ask yourself, what I want to achieve. What is your goal? Is it realistic? Want to be a saint, a guru? Or maybe you want to speak with angels or aliens? (Really?:)) Or maybe achieve peace and harmony?

Set concrete goals. Or at least understand what you want.

To find an experienced teacher is great. If you find a good teacher that show you the path based on his/her own experience – fantastic. However, be careful and skeptical. It is better to be alone than to surrender to a “teacher” that does not have any practical experience and never achieved himself liberation and maybe enlightenment, even though he is wearing a long beard and has smiley “wise” face. Do not let these “teachers” steal and damage your life (and do not contribute to their wealth either). Make your own research about “teacher”, ask other people. Another option is to find a genuine friend that is in similar situation like you.

If you do not find any teacher, or a friend, do not give up. You have everything you need to achieve your goals. There is no hidden, sacred knowledge that will make you better, give you spiritual benefits or make you a saint, enlighted. You do not need to travel somewhere to mountains, or swim in Ganges at Varanasi, or contemplate in a specific temple. Anywhere you travel, you bring yourself with you. All your emotions, all your problems and challenges, your point of view on the world is inside of you, irrespective geographical location. The change comes from within. Everybody is Buddha. Just start looking inside of you. Everything is inside of you and your achievements only depend on your inner work. Physical practices help you to align with your body and connect your body and mind. Meditations and contemplations will clear your mind. But you have to do it, practice every day, many days, weeks, years. Take ownership of your own life, your emotions, your actions. Set concrete goals and work hard to achieve them. Do not expect that some guru or teacher will solve everything in your life. You are the owner of your life.

Find a practice that suits you best. Meditation? Physical exercises? Contemplation? Combination of all these? It should be aligned with your personality and integrated into your life. Decide that you go that way and do not alter it. You cannot be one person at home, during meditation and complete another at your job or elsewhere. Your everyday actions should help you to stay on your way of self-development and enlightenment. Don’t be theoretician, become a practitioner.

It is important that you continue practicing, and not giving up. Do not blame yourself if you do not achieve the results, do not get frustrated or depressed. If you are persistent, determined, and self-reflected you will achieve your goal. Maybe it will take months, years, decades. It is OK, no hurry in such important process. But you have to be aware that you are capable of achieving harmony and liberation. You have everything already. You are that. Ta Tvam Asi.

Please, feel free to contact me or ask me anything. I will be glad to discuss speak with you.

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