Just brief comment on Christian churches. Christianity existed for 2000 years now. And all these years the clergy explained to people "true path" and rules of moral life. For many centuries, majority of European people were under total control of the church. You went to the church every weekend, confessed your sins to a priest, then listened to some sermon and then returned home. Christian festivals and holy days were integrated part of everyday life. A newborn baby is brought to the church for baptize, wedding is also in the church, and of course, last trip is also directed by a priest according to ecclesial rules.

And what is the result of all this? When I try to analyze European history, I cannot see how Christianity influenced it in a positive way. Take any century and you will find a lot of wars in that period and many military conflicts were because of different religious views of the rivals. Since 1st century up to today we can count over 500 major military conflicts in Europe. And these are between the people who were taught to "love thy neighbor as thyself", who were supposed to "love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you". Why so intense brainwash throughout entire mans life, from cradle to grave during many centuries did not work? Why people did not seek these beautiful virtues of love and forgiveness? Why did the priests encourage and bless military to kill your enemy (for sake of God of course)? Why rulers and kings who killed most of their "enemies" proclaimed saints by Church?
I think, we have to realize that Christian church (as a system, organization) is the biggest scam in human history. It did not bring anything good to the humanity. On the contrary, it brought conflicts, blood, hate, division, oppression and pain. Its dominance retarded technological and scientific development of the humanity. Abuse of children, indigenous people, oppression of ordinary people, resistance to science, corruption and total submission to the rulers and governments are the real fruits of "holy" church. I am also shocked that young people, despite modern education that is supposed to develop critical thinking, are interested in church.
And even more shocking is that theology is approved as a science discipline in several European countries. What kind of science is this? Which scientific methods do they use? What are most recent achievements in this field? Some breakthrough? New evidence? New observations?
It is ridiculous that society uses resources on such scam. There are so many other fields of our life that need investigation, analysis and improvement, where use of resources is much beneficial for all.